renata mauriello first trained as a graphic artist. attracted to fine arts, she has been drawing and painting since childhood.
she is no less fascinated by handicraft techniques. she loves working with yarns and fabrics.

colourful and individual: these are two outstanding characteristics that can be used to characterise her work.
often made with leftovers of wool and yarn, the colours are never a coincidence. every combination is well thought out and forms an aesthetically perfect overall picture.
she paints no less passionately. she creates still lifes, landscapes. the motifs are taken from nature, but are exaggerated and sometimes alienated in such a way that an almost photorealistic reproduction is coupled with a mysteriously empty expanse - people, houses and other useless things are sought in vain. the pictures are a composition of thoughts and colours.
tapestries - compositions of bright colours, thoughtful patterns, staging of masterly beauty and aesthetics,
here the word "handicraft" loses its bowl taste of pure hard work: at this level, craftsmanship is master craftsmanship in perfection.
"mixed techniques" - where does the picture begin, where is the frame, where do the wondrous creatures escape into the far outside?
renata's personal website: